Page 7 - Forklift-Full-Range
P. 7


                                                                                 Narrow Aisle

                                                                Deep Reach Forklifts

         4 Wheel Pantograph
         Deep Reach Models with
         Fixed Mast and Tilting /
         Sideshifting Carriage

         Both Models can Operate
         from Aisles as Narrow as 96"

         Key Benefits Include:
         • Double Deep Storage
           Provides the Greatest
           Storage Density in the
           Smallest Aisle Possible

         • Both Models can Store
           Loads Directly on the Floor,
           not Requiring a Bottom
           Beam Level
         • Available with Lift Heights to
           425" (10.8M)


                                                                     • 180° Articulation

                                                                     • 1 Ton (1,136kg) Capacity


                                                                      • 180° Articulation

                                                                      • 33% Greater Capacity at
                                                                        Highest Elevation


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