Leader in Precision Seeding for Professional Turf Producers
Brillion Landscape Seeders have set the standard for excellence in turf and landscape seeding. Based on the proven Sure Stand Concept of metering the seed and placing it at the correct depth, these seeders account for hundreds of thousands of acres seeded. Similar to, but different than the Agricultural models, the Landscape Seeders are equipped with specific drive transmissions that allow for the high rates required for turf and landscape seeding.
The Sure Stand Concept
The Brillion Sure Stand concept has survived the test of time and the challenges from many competitors and many different seeding methods. However, the simplicity of the Sure Stand concept is still the best way to seed turf and grasses efficiently. The larger front notched roller firms the seedbed and places shallow indentations into the soil surface. The seed is metered from the seed boxes to free fall onto the deflectors; the deflectors then broadcast the seed across the full width of the seeder. The smaller rear roller, with its notches splitting the middle of the front indentations, squeezes soil around the seed for the ultimate in seed to soil contact and consistent seed placement.

Why Risk It?
Grass seed is very expensive, and taking a chance by using something other than a Brillion seeder is simply not worth it. Because of Brillion’s precision placement of seeds and superb germination rates, you will be well on your way to that beautiful and lush turf you desire.
Landscape Series
The 5′ and 6′ LSP and LSS Seeders are the smallest of the Landscape Seeders. These units are equipped with one seed box featuring a blade agitator to accommodate a wide variety of landscape seeds. The 3″ meter spacing provides an excellent distribution of seed across the full width of the seeder. The LSP-5 and LSP-6 models are three-point hitch units; while the LSS-6 comes standard with both a three-point hitch and skid loader adaptor plate. These models are ideal for compact tractors and skid steers and maneuvering into tight corners around building sites.
The 6′ model also has a front spike roller option for light tillage action in certain conditions. A coil tine track remover is provided as standard equipment on all models. Optional equipment includes Turfmaker sprockets for the rear roller, brush agitator kits for inside the seed box and an electronic acre meter.
Turfmaker Series
The Turfmaker Series raises the bar on the precision seeding of small grass seeds. A large seed box capacity along with narrow meter spacing and the micro-meter adjustment give this series the edge. The Turfmaker Series is available in 8′, 10′ and 12′ sizes and is offered in three-point hitch and pull-type configurations. Options include wheel track remover kits, Turfmaker sprockets for the rear roller, a scraper kit for the front roller, and an electronic acre meter kit.
Please note the Turfmaker Series features smaller micro-metered seed cups than other Landscape seeders. These models have a hard time metering seed mixtures containing fine or hard fescues. If planting mixtures containing these seeds, please consider a Turfmaker II model.
Turfmaker II Series
The Turfmaker II Series features large seed boxes and high capacity seed meters for unequalled capacity in seeding grasses and lawn blends. These units lend themselves to sod seeding operations and high volume landscape customers. The Turfmaker II Series is available in 8′, 10′ and 12′ sizes in both three-point hitch and pull-type configurations. The large seed boxes have seed level sight windows, cover latches and gas struts to hold the large covers in the open position for filling. There is a small seed box option featuring the smaller size micro-meters. Other options include wheel track remover kits, Turfmaker sprockets for the rear roller, a scraper kit for the front roller, and an electronic acre meter or a Brillion Elite Mini Monitor kit.
Turfmaker III Series
The Turfmaker III Series is very similar to the Turfmaker II Series in that these models feature large seed boxes and are used in high volume seeding operations. The Turfmaker III Series was added to the line of Landscape Seeders to offer varying seed rates for special operations such as the seeding of flax. Brillion does not offer the small seed box option on this series, but other specifications and options match the Turfmaker II Series.
Leader in Precision Seeding for Professional Turf Producers
- Double Roller “Sure Stand” Concept Firms the Soil for Optimal Germination
- Precision Seed Metering and Depth Placement
- All Welded Structural Steel Frame Construction
- Positive Ground Driven Seed Metering
- Electronic Acre Meter Kits Available
- LED Safety Warning Lights (Model Dependent)
- Powder Coat Paint
Landscape Series – LSP5, LSP6 & LSS6
- 5′ and 6′ Models
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. I, II Free Link
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. I Quick Coupler Hitch (Cat. II with Optional Adaptor Kit)
- Quick-Attach Skid Steer Mounting Plate on LSS6
- Blade Agitator Seed Box
- 11.5″ Cast Iron Front Pulverizer Roller
- 9.5″ Cast Iron Rear Pulverizer Roller
- Greaseable Axle Bearings
- Front Spike Roller Option Available on 6′ Models
- Heavy Rear Roller Option with Sprockets Available on 6′ Models
- Lift Sling Kit Available
- Turfmaker Sprockets for Rear Pulverizer Available
- 5-Strip or 8-Row Brush Agitator for Rear Seed Box Available
Turfmaker Series
- 8′, 10′ and 12′ Three-Point Hitch and 10′ and 12′ Pull-Type Models Available
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II Free Link
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II, IIIN Quick Coupler Hitch
- 9.5L x 15-8 Ply Tires on Pull-Type Models
- Micro-Metered Seed Box
- 15.75″ Cast Iron Front Pulverizer Roller
- 11.5″ Cast Iron Rear Pulverizer Roller
- Greaseable Axle Bearings
- Turfmaker Sprockets for Rear Pulverizer Roller Available
- Agitator Kit Available
- Speed Up Kit Available (Doubles Output)
- S-Tine or Coil Tine Track Remover Kit Available
- Scraper Kit for Front Pulverizer Roller Available
Turfmaker II Series
- 8′, 10′ and 12′ Three-Point Hitch and Pull-Type Models Available
- High Capacity Meters for High Volume Landscape Customers
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II Free Link
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II, IIIN Quick Coupler Hitch
- 9.5L x 15-8 Ply Tires on 8′ Pull-Type Models
- 11L x 15-12 Ply Tires on 10′ and 12′ Pull-Type Models
- High Capacity Micro-Metered Large Seed Box
- Micro-Metered Small Seed Box
- Seed Box Sight Windows
- Electric Clutch Kit Standard
- 15.75″ Cast Iron Front Pulverizer Roller
- 11.5″ Cast Iron Rear Pulverizer Roller
- Greaseable Axle Bearings
- Turfmaker Sprockets for Rear Pulverizer Roller Available
- S-Tine or Coil Tine Track Remover Kit Available
- Scraper Kit for Front Pulverizer Roller Available
- Brillion Elite Mini Monitor Available
Turfmaker III Series
- 8′, 10′ and 12′ Three-Point Hitch and Pull-Type Models Available
- Specialized High Capacity Meters for Seeding Grasses and Flax
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II Free Link
- Three-Point Hitch: Cat. II, IIIN Quick Coupler Hitch
- 9.5L x 15-8 Ply Tires on 8′ Pull-Type Models
- 11L x 15-12 Ply Tires on 10′ and 12′ Pull-Type Models
- High Capacity Micro-Metered Large Seed Box
- Seed Box Sight Windows
- Electric Clutch Kit Standard
- 15.75″ Cast Iron Front Pulverizer Roller
- 11.5″ Cast Iron Rear Pulverizer Roller
- Greaseable Axle Bearings
- S-Tine or Coil Tine Track Remover Kit Available
- Scraper Kit for Front Pulverizer Roller Available
- Brillion Elite Mini Monitor Available
Seed Rate Information
Before choosing your new Brillion Seeder, it is important to know if you have the correct Brillion Seeder for your needs. While all Brillion Seeders appear to be very similar, there are distinct differences to consider before making your purchase. Please consult the seed rate charts to see if this is the right Brillion Seeder for the varieties of seed you wish to plant.